The attack has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. 这次攻击给美国的海军和陆军都造成了重创。
They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping. 他们派出了海军保护商船。
In one operation during the campaign, Allied naval forces ended the bombardment a full seven minutes early, allowing the Turks plenty of time to regroup in their trenches. 在次战役的一次行动中,盟军海军提前了整整七分钟就完成了炮击,这给土耳其足够的时间重整战壕。
In a separate incident, South Korean naval forces boarded a vessel near Yemen Thursday because of fears pirates were on board. 在另一起事件中,韩国海军星期四登上也门附近的一艘船只,原因是担心船上有海盗。
I would submit the beauty of naval forces is their flexibility, and the challenges of finding, targeting and then hitting them. 他说,我认为海军的优势在于他们的灵活性,在于他们难以寻获、锁定和打击。
Our land and naval forces should be moderate 我们应保持陆海军的适度规模
But ASEAN members feel that the accord has become meaningless, and observers speak of a new Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea, while disputes between fishing vessels and naval forces are on the rise. 但东盟成员国感到该协定已变得没有意义,观察人士也谈到,中国在南海正变得更强硬,而渔船和海军之间的冲突也在增多。
Naval forces were all we could spare. 我们只能提供海军舰队。
We therefore deploy ground and air forces in Europe and Asia, and naval forces worldwide. 因此,我们在欧洲和亚洲部署了地面和空中部队,并在全世界范围内部署了海军部队。
In self-defence other nations were forced to strengthen their military and naval forces in so far as their population and finances would permit. 其他国家,出于自卫,不得不在其本国人力和财力所及的范围内竭力加强自己的陆军和海军力量。
US President George W. Bush offered to send American naval forces to cyclone-devastated Burma yesterday to help with relief operations as the number of dead and missing from the disaster soared to 60,000. 美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)昨日提出,向遭受台风破坏的缅甸派遣美国海军以协助救援工作,灾难造成的死亡及失踪人数已升至6万人。
The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. 美国海军的任务是维持,训练和装备能够打赢战争,威慑侵略者,和维护海洋自由的海上军事力量。
The last time China tried to match the naval forces of Western powers and neighbouring Japan was a failed effort by the declining Qing Dynasty in the late 19th century. 中国上一次试图与西方国家及邻国日本的海军抗衡是在19世纪末江河日下的清朝时期,以失败告终。
"Pirate alley," the area of the Gulf of Aden traditionally most prone to pirate activity, is now heavily patrolled by international naval forces. 亚丁湾海域的“海盗巷”传统上是海盗事件最频发之处,如今,国际海军在此频繁巡逻。
An installation servicing naval forces. 为海军部队服务的装置。
An operation conducted primarily by naval forces in order to gain or extend or maintain control of the sea. 海军为了取得、延伸或维护海上控制采取的最初军事行动。
The headquarters for United States naval forces in the Atlantic area is at Norfolk, Virginia. ( 1) 大西洋地区的美国海军司令部在弗吉尼亚的诺夫克。
Even now, officials are waiting in this auditorium to escort Captain Von Trapp to his new command in the Naval Forces of the Third Reich. 此刻,官员们正坐在观众席上等待着护送冯·特普上校去第三帝国海军就任新职。
United States naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral Andrew c.bennetl. 美国海军部队,为计划中的行动而拨给我的部队,是由培纳脱海军少将指挥。
Britain become a "sun does not set empire", the navy in the18th century around the world's most powerful naval forces to go up. 英国成为“日不落帝国”,海军在18世纪前后拥有世界最强大海上力量是功不可没。
Without those missiles, Taiwans's superior air and naval forces would make it very difficult, if not impossible, for the invasion force to cross the straits. 没有那些导弹,台湾地域优势空中和水兵军力将会造成它很是坚苦,即使不是不成能,让进攻军力去穿越台湾海峡。
The Israeli assault was accompanied by an intense bombardment from warplanes, helicopters, artillery and naval forces off the Gaza coast, and, according to local reports, it cut off the population centre around Gaza city from the southern strip. 以色列地面攻势伴随着由战机、直升机、炮兵部队以及加沙附近海面海军部队的猛烈炮击。据当地报道,以军已经切断了加沙城周围居民中心与南部地带的联系。
My military commanders are greatly concerned, and I need to know today what your naval forces are up to. 我们的军界领导人极为关切,我今天就要知道贵国的海军想干什么。
Revolutionary Guard naval forces a few minutes ago test fired a powerful torpedo in the Strait of Hormuz. 革命卫队海军几分钟前在霍尔姆斯海峡试射一强力鱼雷。
The Yaroslav Mudry is a multipurpose frigate, although its primary mission is to provide anti-submarine, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft defense to naval task forces and convoys. 雅若斯拉夫·慕德瑞号是多功能快速护卫舰,他的主要任务是对海军特遣队和舰队提供反潜,反舰,防空的保护。
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; 制定统辖和管理陆海军的条例;
Lieutenant General Lee Seong-ho, of the South Korean Joint chiefs of Staff, says naval special forces stormed the MV Samho Jewelry early Friday, after trailing the hijacked ship for days. 韩国参谋长联席会议成员李圣镐中将说,韩国海军特战队在跟踪被劫持的“三湖珠宝”号货轮几天后,星期五早上冲上了船。
The game will simulate joint operation of ground, naval and air forces on vast areas. 这个游戏将在广阔的地区中模仿海陆空的联合作战。
After the Changjiang River naval forces was founded, there was not much change in the number of officers and men and the weaponry wasn't also renewed for years. 长江水师建立后,其官兵人数变化不大,武器装备长期没有更新,木质师船伴随其始终,前装洋枪炮、旧式鸟枪以及刀矛等冷兵器更新缓慢。